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Video Poker Online Strategy


Slot machines, video poker machines ... they look very similar.  They are all the same right?  Pop in your quarter then it’s all up to the Gambling Gods.  This statement is far from the truth.  Slot machines rely on hope, whereas video poker online calls on skill and deep strategy.  Few realize it, but a poker machine responds positively to well thought-out play, especially if a max bet is at stake.  Casinos take the chance that a player will bet with extreme caution and usually they’re right.  If you plan to be all you can be at video poker online, it’s imperative that you add a bit of strategy to your game. 


The overall point in applying strategy is to maintain your bankroll in video poker online.  Without a game plan, you could end leaving the video poker online machine dazed, confused and broke.  If you’re resilient in your ways then you’ll be back, hopefully with a mapped out system that leads to victory.




A good first step is up to the registration booth to become a club member.  No, this isn’t the most technical strategy, but it can make a difference in your overall winnings. Take what the casino is offering, no matter how little the percentage.  If you happen to get hot on a video poker online machine, that little profit could be a nice add on to an ever bigger bank. 




Much fuss has been made over the strategy of playing one and five coin bets.  Taking the one coin method is often viewed as the cheap route, the coward’s way of getting by.  While this will never earn you maximum profits, it does enable you to stay in the game.  More importantly, this method builds on the bankroll.  By playing the one coin you can also choose to make higher stakes when you feel comfortable with the game’s pace.  Those who choose the five coin method have a greater chance of going home quicker.  When things aren’t going according to plan, you’ll find your credits decreasing at a rapid rate.  The positive aspect here is your odds at bigger winnings.  It’s pretty simple, the more you play, the more they pay.  Whether either of these strategies works depends on the level of skill.  A player must know how to win at video poker online no matter the size of your bet.




Finding progressive machines is sound strategy for the player looking to win big at video poker online.  These machines pay out larger amounts so you know what to expect. If you get off to a good start, this can lead to confidence and smart play, keeping you in the game while taking you closer to that loveable jackpot.  You’re in it to win right?  If so then finding that prosperous machine should be a top priority on your list of video poker online strategies.


Video poker online is one area of gambling that puts the power in your hands.  Though it’s still based on luck, you have more freedom and a single decision could make or break a player.  You’ll find tons of useful video poker tips online on the web.  These are just a few strategies to get you going and possibly bring a few dollars your way.      


Professional Video Poker Strategy Revealed - Click Here